Saturday, August 1, 2009

Bocce Update

From Carol and Cathy Peterman:

The Bears bocce team participated in the Area 12 golf/bocce event held in Hastings on July 27th. Brad Colvard, Jennie Heller, Jesse Linde, Jim McGarry, Josh Seeman, Shane Sinclair, Andrew Vannelli, Angela Watson, and Amy Weller each competed in the singles event. Good job, one and all!

Next up was the SOMN Regional softball/bocce meet held in Elk River on August 1st, which was attended by Brad, Jennie, Jim, Josh, and Angela, along with Sara Dube. It was a very windy, cool day, but the team held up nicely and had good results.

We have several more Wednesday night practices (August 5th, August 12th, and August 19th at the B-Dale Club) before the State Fall Games.

Special thanks to the B-Dale Club and the Half Time Rec for donating space for our practices. We appreciate it.

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