Friday, August 7, 2009

State Fall Games -- Golf

The state office has released event schedules for the Golf Events
in the Fall Games.

All events are held on Sunday, August 23 at Oak Marsh Golf Course
526 Inwood Avenue North
Oakdale, MN 55128
(651) 730-8886)

Individual Skills
8:00: Sean Sieleni (start at Pitch Shot; suggest you be at the clubhouse and ready to go by 7:50)

9-hole Alternate Shot.
You must check in 20 minutes before tee-time. All teams will start at the 10th hole. Pace of play is intended to be no more than 2 hours 45 minutes.
9:10: Alec & Rick Mons
9:30: Noah & Don Lamusga
9:50: Tricia & Joe Paul

Lunch will be served in the clubhouse from 11:00 to 1:30

3-hole Alternate Shot
Both teams will start at the 10th hole and are in the same division. Check in about 20 minutes before tee-off time.
2:30: Sean & John Sieleni; Doug Dufresne & Barb Mons

Awards - awards for various events and their divisions are to be distributed throughout the day.

Other notes:
• although it doesn't make sense to me, athletes are supposed to tee off on odd-numbered holes and partners on even-numbered holes. I'm requesting clarification from the state on this so stay tuned.
• 9-stroke maximum per hole; if one member of a team swings and misses, the other member should then hit the next ball; 3-hole teams may want to relax this if the other teams in your division agrees -- the idea is to have fun and let the athletes compete so I generally suggest 3-hole teams use the "3-swings & you're out" but all teams have to agree and the pace of play has to be adequate
• 90-second maximum to search for a lost ball;
• Coaching is not allowed by spectators or coaches during the round (again, I'd relax this a bit for the 3-hole teams); and,
• There are a very limited number of pull carts available at Oak Marsh Golf Club and should only be used by those playing in the 3-hole and 9-hole competition who do not have their own pull carts.

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