Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Bocce - Results from State Competition

The Bears participated in singles matches at the SOMN Fall Games in Maple Grove on August 22nd. We finished with 4 first place, 3 second place and 2 fourth place awards. Well done, one and all!

The season wound up with a celebration picnic hosted by the B-Dale Club in Roseville. Not only did these folks donate space for us to practice, they volunteered to treat the team and supporters to a barbeque. Wow!! We are overwhelmed by their generosity. A big, big thanks to them and also to the Half Time Rec, which also donated practice space for our use.

And a huge thank you goes out, too, to the wonderful parents and group home staff who so willingly pitched in at bocce practices and competitions. You all were a tremendous help to the coaches and athletes. You helped make it a total team effort and a fun season, too. We cannot thank you all enough.

From the Bocce coaches,
Cathy Peterman, Carol Peterman, Joanne Heller

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