Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Hawaiian H2O

Lots of Bears (and family members) turned out for the annual White Bear Lions "Run Around the Lake" event. This is a fund-raiser since the Lions make a contribution to every group that hosts a water stop. We hosted the water/Gatorade stop at mile 2 (or mile 12 for the "twice-around-ers") and this year's theme was "Hawaiian H2O" The water stop had Hawaiian music playing, a backdrop featuring an ocean view (see photo above), tiki torches, leis, and more.

Thanks to everyone who helped out! Thanks especially to Karen Clapper for pulling this together and to the Clappers and Hallgrens for the decorating touches.

By the way, the runners vote for "Best Water Stop" -- and the winner gets an additional "bonus" contribution. We won't know if we won or not for a couple of weeks but there was a lot of very positive comments from runners who came by after their run. While most runners just go once around the lake, many who are in training for marathons -- especially the Twin Cities Marathon -- use this race as a "tune-up" and run twice around White Bear Lake.

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